City of Denham Springs
Old Town Hall Renovations
LABARRE ASSOCIATES, INC. has a longstanding relationship with the City of Denham Springs. LABARRE ARCHITECTS, APAC designed a combination South Fire Station and Water Department building for the City of Denham Springs in 2003 allowing for substantial cost savings and a more efficient use of city property. In 2007 LABARRE ARCHITECTS worked with the City to renovate their historic Town Hall building to bring the project into compliance with modern code requirements.

Renovations and addition to the Old Town Hall in Denham Springs, LA to revive their deteriorating building and update the project to current needs of the town. The addition included detailing to replicate the character of the 75 year old building along with adding a new elevator and stair. Improvements were made to the roof, windows, plaster, electrical and mechanical systems, as well as interior finishes..

Project Highlights
- Historic Detailing
- Renovation
- Addition